Thursday, April 23, 2009

Foreign key Hierarchy of all tables in a Database



NAME:                Get foreign key hierarchy of all DB tables

                     (to determine tables INSERT or DROP order, for example)


DESCRIPTION:         This is a short script that returns all table names

                     in the current database, together with their foreign key (FK)

                     hierarchy level, and the table(s) that they reference (when

                     applicable). The value of the FK hierarchy associated with

                     each table is determined as follows: If a table does not

                     have a FK constraint (i.e., it does not reference any other

                     tables via a FK, or in other words - the table is not a foreign

                     table in any FK relationship), then it is of level 0 in the

                     hierarchy. If the table references one or more tables,

                     which do not reference any other tables, then the current

                     table is of level 1, and so on. The tables referenced by

                     each FK (i.e., primary tables) are returned by the script

                     as well, for each FK relationship found. Moreover, if a table

                     references itself (and no other tables), then it is

                     considered as a level 0 table.


                     The script is useful when one wishes to INSERT data into

                     several tables, or DROP tables, and needs to determine the

                     table order to follow - tables of hierarchy 0 must be

                     inserted into first, then those of hierarchy 1, and so on.

                     Similarly, tables with the highest hierarchy should be dropped

                     first, and those with hierarchy 0 should be dropped last.


                     To return the table FK hierarchy info, the script uses the

                     following algorithm: First, get all DB tables that do not

                     have any FK constraints. Then get all tables that have a

                     FK that only reference one or more of the tables that don't

                     have any FKs. Then, get the tables that have FKs mapped

                     to the already collected tables, and so on. The entire

                     algorithm is run in a simple WHILE loop.




RESULTSET:           TableName, HierarchyLevel, FKName, FKReference (the primary

                     table in the FK relationship, where applicable)










======    ===========    ==========================   ===========

05/05/2005   Omri Bahat         Initial release                     1.00



Copyright © SQL Farms Solutions, All rights reserved.

This code may be used at no charge as long as this copyright notice is not removed.



-- Get FK hierarchy of all DB tables







-- The variable @i is the hierarchy level.

-- The variable @Cnt hold the number of tables returned in the

-- last run of the loop, which tells when the loop should exist.


SET @i = 0

SET @Cnt = 1


IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblFKTableOrder', 'U') IS NOT NULL

        DROP TABLE #tblFKTableOrder


CREATE TABLE #tblFKTableOrder (

        TableName NVARCHAR(128),

        HierarchyLevel INT,

        FKName NVARCHAR(128),

        FKReference NVARCHAR(128))



-- First, grab all the tables that don't have any FK constraints, as hierarchy level 0.


INSERT INTO #tblFKTableOrder (TableName, HierarchyLevel, FKName, FKReference)







-- Second, get all tables that only have self-referencing (and no other) FKs.

-- In the query below - RS1 contains all table names that references themselves

-- (and possible other tables), and RS2 contains all tables that reference other tables.

-- The desired tables are all those in RS1 that are not in RS2.


INSERT INTO #tblFKTableOrder (TableName, HierarchyLevel, FKName, FKReference)

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(RS1.fkeyid), @i, OBJECT_NAME(RS1.constid),OBJECT_NAME(RS1.rkeyid)

FROM    (SELECT fkeyid, constid, rkeyid

        FROM sysreferences WITH (NOLOCK)

        WHERE rkeyid = fkeyid ) RS1


        (SELECT DISTINCT fkeyid

        FROM sysreferences WITH (NOLOCK)

        WHERE fkeyid <> rkeyid ) RS2

        ON RS1.fkeyid = RS2.fkeyid




-- Now, drill down in the FK hierarchy. Get all tables

-- that have a FK that references one or more tables in #tblFKTableOrder,

-- yet only references tables that are in #tblFKTableOrder(!), and that have not yet

-- been recorded in #tblFKTableOrder. Tables that reference themselves, as well

-- as tables in #tblFKTableOrder, are considered as well.

-- This is done in a loop, and the loop terminates when we reach the lowest level

-- in the hierarchy (i.e., when no more tables meet the listed condition).


WHILE @Cnt > 0


        -- Analyze the next level in the hierarchy.

        SET @i = @i + 1



        -- Get all tables that reference tables that are recorded

        -- in #tblFKTableOrder (can also reference themselves),

        -- and do not references tables that

        -- were not yet recorded.

        -- This is done by as follows:

        -- RS1 conatains the tables that have FK constraints

        -- that reference tables in #tblFKTableOrder (and possibly have

        -- a self-reference). RS2 contains all tables that reference tables

        -- that are not yet in #tblFKTableOrder (excluding self-refences).

        -- We write into #tblFKTableOrder the tables in RS1, which are

        -- not in RS2.


        INSERT INTO #tblFKTableOrder (TableName, HierarchyLevel, FKName,FKReference)

        SELECT OBJECT_NAME(a.fkeyid), @i, OBJECT_NAME(a.constid), OBJECT_NAME(a.rkeyid)

        FROM sysreferences a

                INNER JOIN

                (SELECT DISTINCT z.fkeyid

                FROM sysreferences z WITH (NOLOCK)

                        INNER JOIN #tblFKTableOrder y WITH (NOLOCK)

                        ON OBJECT_NAME(z.rkeyid) = y.TableName

                        LEFT OUTER JOIN #tblFKTableOrder v WITH (NOLOCK)

                        ON OBJECT_NAME(z.fkeyid) = v.TableName

                WHERE v.TableName IS NULL) RS1

                ON a.fkeyid = RS1.fkeyid

                LEFT OUTER JOIN

                (SELECT DISTINCT x.fkeyid

                FROM sysreferences x WITH (NOLOCK)

                        LEFT OUTER JOIN #tblFKTableOrder w WITH (NOLOCK)

                        ON OBJECT_NAME(x.rkeyid) = w.TableName

                WHERE x.fkeyid <> x.rkeyid

                        AND w.TableName IS NULL) RS2

                ON RS1.fkeyid = RS2.fkeyid

        WHERE RS2.fkeyid IS NULL



        SET @Cnt = @@ROWCOUNT





SELECT * FROM #tblFKTableOrder

ORDER BY HierarchyLevel ASC, TableName ASC, FKName ASC


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